Monday 20 February 2012

Tuesday 14 February 2012

  • Looking over your blog, I am pleased that you have made a really good start on all Evaluation questions Nicole
  • There are some really good attempts to make posts visual in some way, and your written comments show a very good grasp of what each question requires of you
  • To improve, and move that standard of your work towards a B-A grade, you should come back to your posts and continue to develop them Nicole.
  • I checked Q. 2 and 5 carefully, as these were the 2 that we agreed on in last Monday's lesson. There are some developments that I'd like you to do to improve each...
  • Q. 2 is currently Very Good. Your comments to camera are carefully considered and show a good understanding of issues around representation. I think it could be moved to 'Excellent' through the inclusion of screen grabs from your own film sequence to support the points you say about how your character challenges typical gender stereotypes, and issues surrounding ideas of the 'damsel in distress'. As you speak to camera about this, you could edit your mini movie to show shots of typical historical images of the 'damsel' from film... and contrast these to you in role in your opneing sequence. Think about SHOW rather than tell...
  • Q. 5 - I am impressed with your use of Prezi for this post Nicole - but again, why not try supporting what you have written about capturing the interest of your viewers through including a selection of screen grabs from your opening sequence to demonstrate your thinking.
Overall effort for Q. 2 and 5: VG