Wednesday 30 November 2011

Monday 14 November 2011

The Spiderwick Chronicles (Waters, 2008, US)

Action /Advernture (Spiderwick) Thriller and Romcom (Bridget Jones)
The way the pacing is presented is different in Spiderwick to Bridget Jones, as the Spiderwick is more slow to convey mystery then swaps suddenly to quick to show a sense of ergency. Whereas Bridget Jones uses more of a naturlistic pace. Romcom's also don't pose as many questions compared to a Thriller or Action/Adventure and they also don't wish to hide the identity of characters. HOWEVER Action/Adventure and thrillers like to hide the charcters identity as this poses more questions for the audience to ask, whilst being easy to follow. Also they have near enough the same orchestral score whereas as a romcom uses more popular music.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Bridget Jones's Diary (Maguire, 2000, UK, Ireland, France)

The target audience is different for a romcom as women are more interested than men are. The music used is also different as you wouldn't have sounds that create a chilling atmosphere to show someones feelings. The pace of the edits are different and it is more common for thriller opening sequences to hide the characters faces to create a mystery, whereas in a romcom there is not much to hide and so they normal introduce the main character to the audience straight away. However similarities between a romcom and a thriller is that the directors have used some shots to get the audience to ask questions.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Wallander (Firewall, 7/12/08, BBC1)

 The opening sequence starts with a blank (black) screen. The music used is quite orchestral to create a chilling setting, as this then prepares the audience for something thrilling to happen. The music has an increasing drum roll to build the tension. The camera than pan's upwards.

There is an extreme long/ master shot of the coast line. This then gives the location a very empty and isolated feeling. The music is intensified and creates a ghostly aura and makes the audience feel on edge. A helicopter shot is used to show the full setting.

We notice to small figures walking away from a white 4 by 4. The colour white is used to stand out from the dull setting and can connote to purity, which then suggests to the audience that for whatever reason, these two characters have done something they wish to leave behind. From the extreme long shot, we see the car is off road, this then seems suspicious and the car door has been left open, why is it open? Music has been edited to go in time with the shot transitions, the sound used mimics the harshness of the wind as its being sliced with a knife.

The camera has been placed to create a feeling that 
something is behind them, possibly someone they left behind? We learn just from this behind mid-shot that they are both female. However due to the different choice in hair styles it is unknown to the audience wether these two characters know one another. The one on the right looks to be more of  a 'rebel' as she has a more out going choice in style than the girl on the right who is seen to just have her hair up. There is no dialogue just diegetic sound, fro
m this it creates a  feeling of panic for the audience as the producers want you to focus on the pace of their breath and the speed of to which they are walking at ( made known by the sound of their footsteps).

From this shocking discovery, the audience now know that these two girls have either killed or seriously injured this taxi driver. We know that the person in the blood stained vehicle is a taxi driver due to his card shown in the shot. The cinematography shows the camera inside the car looking out to the front of the screen, from this you see the two girls very out of focus and still walking away from this injured person. A radio has been left on in the background to convince the audience that the two girls left in a hurry.
Finally we see the two girls in a mid-shot. You notice they both have blood, most likely from the taxi driver, on their faces confirming they have done something negative. But up to this point the audience are still unaware of how badly injured/damaged this man could be. Is he dead? Is he still breathing?
This extreme close up of the taxi drivers face, clarifies to the audience he is still alive, however he is seriously injured. From the facial injuries this man has suffered you wonder what he did to deserve it? As the clip progresses the man's eye begins to twitch confirming he is alive. From the extreme close up, you can not fully see this mans face.

There is still no dialogue between the two girls and so we still do not know much about them, such as: Who are they? Are they related? why did brutally beat up the taxi driver? Questions like these then subconsciously make the audience want to watch on. You hear the girls breathing become more intense, heavy and slower, this could suggests a struggle between them and the taxi driver.
The close up shot of the taxi drivers key ring, shows him to be a family man, and as he is seen to have a son (based on the image) shows he is responsible and probably wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. the blood splatter on the image suggests that maybe something more happened to him.
In this final shot we learn that the girl to the right has inflicted the most pain upon the taxi driver, as she is the one to be holding a blood covered knife. From the way she is holding the knife all clenched in her fist, shows the anger she is feeling even after stabbing someone, or the tightness of her grip could represent the fear she is feeling.