Monday 14 November 2011

The Spiderwick Chronicles (Waters, 2008, US)

Action /Advernture (Spiderwick) Thriller and Romcom (Bridget Jones)
The way the pacing is presented is different in Spiderwick to Bridget Jones, as the Spiderwick is more slow to convey mystery then swaps suddenly to quick to show a sense of ergency. Whereas Bridget Jones uses more of a naturlistic pace. Romcom's also don't pose as many questions compared to a Thriller or Action/Adventure and they also don't wish to hide the identity of characters. HOWEVER Action/Adventure and thrillers like to hide the charcters identity as this poses more questions for the audience to ask, whilst being easy to follow. Also they have near enough the same orchestral score whereas as a romcom uses more popular music.

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