Thursday 8 December 2011

Peer Assessment - planning

online gif creator

Shooting Schedule


Who we chose for casting, and why we chose them:
For our victim, we chose to use a female character.  This is because stereotypically women are presented as being weaker and more vulnerable then men, therefore she has a low status.  Also, our female character is small and has a light hair colour which suggests that she is innocent.  The innocence of this character is effective because it makes the audience sympathize for her, and want her to overcome what she is going through or about to go through. We have decided to me and the victim as i fit the typical small, blonde female , and also i was willing to be the victim

Our murderer is a male character, with dark hair and tall.  This is because men are stereotypically stronger, and more powerful then women so have a higher status over them and control them.  As this character is more powerful and aggressive the audience feel less sympathy towards this character, and concentrate on what they think the character is doing, who they are, and why they are doing it. We have chosen Matt to be the Killer as he again fits the typical 'Killer' image.

Post created by Becka

Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Titles

animated gif make

The fonts we have chosen link to our handwriting font idea as this could then show the audience that the Killer may have written the titles, telling us these characters may be quite personal to him. We are unsure of if we will stick to the name 'A Childs Nightmare' so for now it is just a temporary title.

over an image titles:

making a gifThe Wire (All Due Respect, 26/09/04, US)

This is how we want our titles to look. We think that having the text over the shots looks better than having it over black. It allows the audience to ask more questions and want to know more, rather then the 'fake world' they are seeing to be interrupted. This example from The Wire is perfect as the font they use is very similar to the font we want to use and the positioning of the titles too.

over the black titles:

animated gif make

The Sixth Sense (Shyamalan, 1999, US)

Even if we did want to do titles over black it would be hard as our opening sequence has to be under two minutes and the titles may take 3-4 seconds each, narrowing down the time allowed for the opening sequence. Although this works for The Sixth Sense, I don't think it would work with our opening sequence.

Post created by Matt

Props, Costume & Location

Killer Costume
* Dark Clothes
* Lack of Colour --> Cold Character?
* Not much of his body is revealed (Mysterious)

Victim Costume

* Girl ( Age, 20)
* Bright Clothes with Colour (Gives some emotion, suggests a bright personality? The character likes to express themselves)


These are images of all the different props that we will be using in our piece.
Chair *Where the victim is tied down
Rope*To hold victim down and To be used by killer to connect images.
Pin Board*For our Killer's 'Hit List'
Pins*For killer to place into board.

The dark room which the killer will hold his victim in the opening of our film. It is a cold room that looks cramped so it is definitely going to be an uncomfortable environment for viewers to see.

Post created by Nathan

Animatic of our Opening Sequence

Post created by Matt

Monday 5 December 2011

Sunday 4 December 2011


crop image
The storyboard shows that opening sequence will be shot in a small confided room, where the main character is tied to a chair in the centre of the room, random clips of the main character of a child and other children will appear on a screen, showing the audience this kidnapper knew this person when she/he was younger. The use of extreme close ups and regular close ups is to entice the audience and creates mystery which is typical of a psychological Thriller. Our final decision when creating our storyboard was that we will only show the silhouette of the kidnapper at the very end of the title sequence, which will then lead nicely into the main film.

Videos of my group working on our storyboards, showing our team work and dedication to the opening sequence