Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Titles

animated gif make

The fonts we have chosen link to our handwriting font idea as this could then show the audience that the Killer may have written the titles, telling us these characters may be quite personal to him. We are unsure of if we will stick to the name 'A Childs Nightmare' so for now it is just a temporary title.

over an image titles:

making a gifThe Wire (All Due Respect, 26/09/04, US)

This is how we want our titles to look. We think that having the text over the shots looks better than having it over black. It allows the audience to ask more questions and want to know more, rather then the 'fake world' they are seeing to be interrupted. This example from The Wire is perfect as the font they use is very similar to the font we want to use and the positioning of the titles too.

over the black titles:

animated gif make

The Sixth Sense (Shyamalan, 1999, US)

Even if we did want to do titles over black it would be hard as our opening sequence has to be under two minutes and the titles may take 3-4 seconds each, narrowing down the time allowed for the opening sequence. Although this works for The Sixth Sense, I don't think it would work with our opening sequence.

Post created by Matt

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