Thursday 8 December 2011


Who we chose for casting, and why we chose them:
For our victim, we chose to use a female character.  This is because stereotypically women are presented as being weaker and more vulnerable then men, therefore she has a low status.  Also, our female character is small and has a light hair colour which suggests that she is innocent.  The innocence of this character is effective because it makes the audience sympathize for her, and want her to overcome what she is going through or about to go through. We have decided to me and the victim as i fit the typical small, blonde female , and also i was willing to be the victim

Our murderer is a male character, with dark hair and tall.  This is because men are stereotypically stronger, and more powerful then women so have a higher status over them and control them.  As this character is more powerful and aggressive the audience feel less sympathy towards this character, and concentrate on what they think the character is doing, who they are, and why they are doing it. We have chosen Matt to be the Killer as he again fits the typical 'Killer' image.

Post created by Becka

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