Monday 23 January 2012

Assessment 23/1/12 LFE

  • Nicole you have attempted all of the posts we have asked you to complete so far so this is a good start.
  • Your post on how you represented social groups is very visual post howver I think you can develop your ideas on this further.

  • You need to add in more detail for all of your posts, so as you go along and gain more information from the lessons you will need to edit these posts.
  • Your post on tagret audience needs more depth. You could build a profile of your specified audience and describe not only their age and gender but discuss further the sorts of things they may like doing in their spare time, what sort of films, music etc may they watch or listen to?
  • Your media technologies post requires more than just a few bullet points on editing techniques you may have used. Think about doing a Jing presentations showing how you use media technologies such as Scribd, or you uploading to your blog and how using this has improved or aided your work.
  • Your posts need to be more visual so bear this in mind.
Grade: IN (these are drafts at the moment but they have the potential to be good)

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