Wednesday 25 January 2012

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms & conventions of real media products?

Paragraph 1)
The mood created within our opening sequence is a standard convention as it set the tone for our genre and then allows the audience to quickly connect to what is happening on screen. With our genre being a psychological thriller, the mood it sets is very daunting and can be confusing for the audience as they are unaware as to what to except, due to the first couple of shots being a light switching on. Comparing this to the opening sequence of the psychological thriller film 'Inception' they seem to almost create the same mood due to 'Inceptions' use of chilling and high intensive music and the only first few shots you see are crashing waves. Both openings give a chilling and on-edge mood for the audience.

Paragraph 2)
With establishing shots, this will then allow the audience to notice everything that surrounds a main or supporting character. This establishing shot can determine how the audience feels about the opening as it could intrigue them or make them no longer interested in the film. The establishing shot we have included in our opening is of the garage door, from this it tells the audience that Jennifer, who has been captured, is all alone and that no one is around to help. This contrasts well with the establishing shot in the film 'Brick' as you notice that he is all alone and whoever left him this note is no longer around. Again both establishing shots are used conventions and 

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